Wednesday, July 18, 2007

To Forget

Im riting this cuz i felt like.....People keep telling me that im a good poet and things, but if u ever think of it, things like poems and art are not just talent, they r born from your emotions.....the way you rite tells what kind of person you are, your strokes tell how aggressive you can be. I write when im sad, or when im happy or just when things fill up inside me. The hate that rises in me comes out in the form of the poems which have killing in them, the pain in the descriptive ones, the love in those of broken hearts and self hate in those which kill myself, and people think its a joke to write, and only nerds can do something like that. These people use their hate to hurt, not like us who keep it in to let others happy.........i noe i sound like an obnoxious bastard..........but thts how it is.......people ask me to write poems for them, just to be i look like or behave like i am some kind of poem riting software or machine? have lost feelings nowdayz...........and those who still have it...............we;l get lost in the crowd.........

ps - i rote this hinking about all the times i had ritten poems.......

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