Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Force

The author is writing this because he is restless, he has this force running through him. A power pure and true, he looks at his blog skin and he feels like the howl escaping the wolf's mouth, fighting around the branches of the trees, jumping through them in joy, using a relentless power. He feels like the beam of moonlight, shooting down the shaft, flitting through the wind with pleasure unknown. He feels his mind on the brink of opening, even though his body is wracked with tiredness, his mind holds the power to thrust out such jolts of pure imagination to actually create substance. I f god ever built anything, he built it with this power. The author feels confident enough to jump down the building and somehow convinces himself that the power of the force will save him, its the pleasure of being invulnerable. He feels the scream of unbounded joy tear at his lungs to be let out, to shake the world, and the author shuts his eyes tight and flies through the air at speeds unheard of, his body unmoving, but his soul covering bounds in seconds, going to places unknown. This be the joy, the feeling a person feels when he has a imaginative mind{note - the author is NOT praising himself!!}.
*The author wishes that someday all of you feel the power of the force flitting through your souls.
To infinity and beyond we go!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.