Saturday, July 28, 2007

Interesting uninterestingness

Another of the authors hapless posts. So do feel free to read and get bored. The author is writing this because he is extremely sleepy, but doesnt really want to fall asleep. Today the author's silent little dog, his ever watching companion fell sick, causing pandemonium in the household. Though the author loves his pets, he was not really affected by this sudden onslaught of sickness, infact he had already made his "diagnosis". None the less, the praying mother and the worried father, screamed their lungs out at him to take the dog to the vet, to get him all checked out. With super slowness and dragging feet, he somehow reached the vet. There he found that his dog was sick, a cold he had bereft. So with boredom on his face and some "polite"thoughts swirling in his head, he headed back to his "sanctuary", where he was met with the still shouting mother and a brainless brother, who bugged him till he was lost. Shouting his way through the mayhem the author somehow managed to reach back to his room, emotionally and physically unharmed. Thus passed another eventful afternoon in the life of the author.

*feel free to kill the author for boring the life out of you.

1 comment:

Winnie the poohi said...

nah i wud kill u for ur indifferent attitude towards yer dog!!


*angry emoticons*