Saturday, July 21, 2007

The Names

This post i made keeping in mind 2 things, the first being that the blogger is extremely bored and has nothing at all to do, than to rite on a blog which no one reads(Yes u no comment posting readers.......ur all qualified as no readers!). The second being that the blogger was struck with this thought of his ever changing names and identities during the ever so satisfyingly interesting boredom of his, the enlightening thought was that no one has ever realized the true reason he chooses his nicknames. He thus has decided, to spare some time out of his ever so busy lifestyle to clarify the reason for his nick names. The first thing to remember is that the author of this blog loves the concept of death and is extremely fascinated by it, Thus his names are always revolving around the concept of death. The first nickname the author adopted was "Walkin Death"this "oh so jolly!" nick came from the fact that, when the nick was chosen the author was not in the right emotional state and considered himself emotionally dead(Though obviously he wasnt, and some enlightened individuals would call it a "phase"). The nick name coupled with some interesting pictures of the grim reaper and the bloggers ever lasting love of death, gained him the reputation of being a dark knight(No i do not mean that the author became a masked crusader). Though as time went on (Which is a very irritating habit of time), the authors life took yet another exciting turn, to say little, the author found people who he cared for, and those who cared for him(The author is not starved for love!!.......I repeat - The author is NOT starved for love!!) . Now out of his love for one of those whom he cared for(Which was surprisingly a huge number of gentle souls), He yet again decided to change his identity, he changed his name(Also curiosity did play a huge role in that decision ), To "Azaan Nisar Khan". Which he still uses many a times, and personally likes it(People dont mispronounce this one at least !!). But lately, he has yet again changed his name, to "Le Chameleon" which in simple english(For those brainy and high and mighty people who may want it translated for them, even though im sure they OBVIOUSLY understand it) means "The Chameleon" which does NOT mean that he is becoming a lizard, but means that he is indeed an ever changing character, and may lie or tell the truth as and when it pleases him. (Obviously this could be a lie too)
have a nice day or dont, dont really care ;)

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