Friday, July 27, 2007

The Children Of Boredom

The sole reason for the author to make this post is that the author is supremely bored. He has had the 'pleasure' of spending an entire day in his house like an animal in a locked cage. His ready reprieve to boredom, his every trusty knight, the ever so faithful internet, went through a change of heart and fled my service during my hour of need. When the defaced knight came back to reclaim his post, the others had already left it unmanned. Thus leaving the author with an afternoon filled with nothing but boredom and sleepiness. Thankfully for the author, sleep crept over him and he slipped into unknown lands looking for adventure. But it was not to be, his boredom followed him into his lands of dreams and left him with empty blank spaces, making for an uneventful sleep. When the author awoke, he found that he had overshot his target by a couple of hours, and that his guardians had thought that he be left to sleep in his own 'BEST INTERESTS'.
Thus yet again, an uneventful day in the life of the author passed by, as uneventfully as possible.

*The author hopes he bored you enough, that boredom finds you a much boring host and leaves the author alone and comes after you.

**Slow evil laughter.