Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Twist Of Fate

Yes the twist of fate is a official move used by WWE superstar Matt Hardy, but that is not what the author is referring to here. He is referring to the literal meaning of the string of words. Every time the author has said that to be happy for a while, you must be prepared to be unhappy fa few days, or a longer while, he has meant it as advise to other people. But, as the trend of advise goes, those who give it, never use it. Now this at any other time, would have seemed extremely rib cracking material to the author, but at times , as such, he hates to say that he agrees. Taking the recent circumstances of his life. The author a few posts earlier had said that, he had been a happy person, a contended person, But as time and again we see, that happiness is not to last longer than a few days(the author thinks that it never lasts longer than a week, but he would rather not claim so, as he has never been bothered enough to actually verify that fact ). So once again, the author is drawn into the battlefield, but this is no normal battle, this is a battle of words, of shattering hearts, and psychological warfare, of breaking minds. The author, readies his heart, gets up his barriers, streamlines his mind and kills all emotions. It is time to fight to survive.


Barrira Khawaja said...

u see fate is very twisted ting..loll..simple!...its crack in the head...
and oh yess..followin ne happy thing is a sad thing...wich is v.depresin achually the time spannnnn for depresion and bad stuff is always everytym sum good thin it means sum thin real bad is goonna crazy as it may sound..i beleive in it!..

∂αѕ ¢нαмäℓєση said...

so do i =D