Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Firstly the author would like to apologize to all the readers for not posting for so long, he was lost somewhere in his own mind (No he does not have a mind map!). The author would like to thank you all for still sticking to his blog even through its thick and thin. He would also like to take this opportunity to wish that all you readers have a nice day. =)

The author would like to touch on this very controversial topic of emo people, or as they are not so popularly known, emotional people. Being one of them, he would like to clarify certain misconceptions about emo people(No he is not crying or moping while writing this!!). Emo people are just people who have a little less control over their emotions, this is not something they like or have a choice over, mostly some incident in their lives makes them forget what it is to be like everyone else, they tend to start thinking a lot more deeply and profoundly(Yes the poems are a result of these emotions!). The stereotypes of being emo according to people is that emo people cry a lot, wear black all the time, always want to die, never take interest in life, never reveal their emotions and that they r dumb and sissy like. There are indeed people like these, but they are not emo's, we emo people are like other people too. We have emotions which are NOT dead!(The author would like to apologize for being a little pissed) Emo people may indeed like the concept of death and the color black, but that is usually due to the fact that they have been through some form of tragedy in their lives. It does not give any other person any right to make fun of us(Yes, the us refers to the author and the emo people). All of us have our flaws in life, and all that is wrong with emo people is that they have uncontrollable emotions. It is not so hard to be sensitive to other peoples emotions or feelings. The author would like to request the reader to be a little more sensitive to an emo person the next time they come across one.
Right now the author would like to stop writing.
He wishes that you all have a great day and keep smiling. =)


Anonymous said...

"Right now the author would like to stop writing".

heheh. love u. ure cuTTe.

Anonymous said...

i dont understand whats wrong with being emo. i mean... there r ppl who r dead and zombie-like. atleast emo's feel more human,which we(humans)would not b without emotions.

ps - emo guyz r cuTTe. ;)